Saturday, February 12, 2011

Simply Lovely

Personally, I yearn for simplicity in my life and the work I pursue. Eliminating extraneous clutter is the cornerstone of Joshua Tree sculptor Alma Allen.

The self-taught artist collects salvaged wood and stone to create his work like the turned alder wood stool pictured. Massive logs and burls, found in his travels are moved to his desert home to dry. He then turns them on a lathe to silken smoothness.

The timeless cup shape of this piece is allowed it's imperfections, however. The cracks and splits aren't secured as in other pieces with a joinery but are instead a visual addition that echo the color variations of the wood.

Allen lives and works in his sustainable, self-built home with Nancy Pierce, their daughter Frieda and dogs Fritz and Poncho. He exhibits his work around the world and is featured in design magazines and blogs.

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